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Ancient worlds and talismanic symbols: David Webb’s new interpretation of the zodiac

Leo’s claw and scorpio’s sting in strong, statement hammered-gold pieces by the iconic jeweler

David Webbthe quintessential American luxury jewelry housepresents a new capsule collection.


Whether a believer in astrology and the stories of our lives told by the stars, or a science-minded sceptic and astronomer, everyone will find something in those little, rough-hewn golden plaques, holding astrological signs on one side and astrological symbols on the other.

The twelve both antique- and modern-looking pendant necklaces, with archeological spirit,  were inspired by the unconventional designs from the 60s, discovered in David Webb’s archives, and his fascination with the ancient world.

The rectangular pendants in yellow gold, or in yellow gold encrusted with diamonds, are carved with the history of the iconic jewelry house and the constellations of ancient meaning.

These unique and versatile precious objects can become your one-and-only talismans and faithful companions to your casual, everyday style, or complement and enrich an extravagant jewelry ensemble for an elegant soirée.

Illustrations by inkycubans


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